
Saturday May 01, 2021
Episode 61: An Emotional Affair - Evangelicals In Love... With Jesus
Saturday May 01, 2021
Saturday May 01, 2021
One of the creepier concepts in evangelicalism is the notion of being IN LOVE with Jesus. It's a difficult thing to even contemplate until you realize that it's a vital part of the equation for getting you to accept and follow Christ. There are many direct correlations between how the brain processes falling in love and what evangelicals do to tap into those processes to gain an advantage inside your head. Shelle's Christian's behaving badly this week is Florida Man empowered and full of cringe.
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Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Saturday Apr 24, 2021
Why is it so easy to win over an evangelical to every crazy conspiracy theory out there? The answer is probably more obvious than you think and we let you in on what one of their own thinks about it in this week's episode. Spoiler alert: he's an evangelical pastor and he's RIGHT. Since we're so into the letter P in this episode (far more so than the letter Q), we'll call Shelle's Christians behaving badly segment for this week "Pillows and Prophets."
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Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
What is secularization? Is there room for religion in a secular culture? We look at these questions and more in this week's episode, along with the return of Shelle's Christians Behaving Badly segment, now with even more Jim Bakker!
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Saturday Apr 03, 2021
EPISODE 58: God and Guns - Who Would Jesus Kill?
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Why are evangelicals obsessed with firearms and their perceived right to carry them? Where does trust in God break down and the need to "defend" themselves emerge? We look at these questions and more in this episode.
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Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Episode 57: Possession Obsession - Evangelicals and Exorcism
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
While the concept of exorcism predates evangelicalism, a growing surge that started just a few decades ago is building to a dark and deadly creciendo that is doing more harm and taking more lives than ever. In this episode, we look at the origins of exorcism in Christianity and shine a light on the closed-door practices that lead people literally to murder in the name of eradicating imaginary evil in individuals.
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Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Episode 56: The Silence of the Sham? - Evangelicals and the Rise of Cancel Culture
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
Saturday Mar 20, 2021
The things that make up and fuel cancel culture are not new, but we think it's fair to say that evangelicals have gone great lengths to perfect the practice, and they did it long before the term "cancel culture" was part of society's vocabulary. In this episode, we look at how evangelicals influence cancel culture and how this monster they've so heavily influenced creating is now impacting their own message.
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Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Episode 55: The Great Debate - The Importance of Counter-Apologetics
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
Saturday Mar 13, 2021
There is no formula to "reaching" evangelicals with messaging that counters their very well-established and strongly-held beliefs, but we think there's a right way and a wrong way to manage discussion and debate about it. In this episode, we look at some of the dos and don'ts of debating evangelicals and offer some advice on how to build and use a solid counter-apologetic that invokes thought, not argument.
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Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Episode 54: Can't Touch This - What Christian Singles Are Taught About Sex
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
Saturday Mar 06, 2021
There is probably no more divisive subject in the realm of evangelical doctrine and thought than the role sexuality plays in the life of the single Christian. The hardline abstinence narrative is a direct route to all kinds of identity issues, confusion, and dissatisfaction in the life of the Christian. In this episode, we look at the toxic thinking that drives attitudes about sexuality in evangelical faith and offer some advice on getting your sex life unbound.
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Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Episode 53: Jenner... Jenny... Jesus:Anti-Vaxx Culture Then and Now
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
Saturday Feb 27, 2021
As if being anti-masking and anti-social distancing weren't enough, now we have a new (but not new) societal epidemic of ignorance cropping up over COVID 19: Anti-Vaxxing. In the current climate, evangelical agenda has the potential to slow the cure and keep this virus interrupting and taking lives for far longer than it should. In this episode, we examine the history of anti-vaxxing and how evangelicals are influencing the decision to vaxx or not to vaxx.
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Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Episode 52: "Financial Black Holes" - How Churches and Charities Manage Your Money
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Saturday Feb 13, 2021
Churches and Christian charities have some of the worst money management systems out there. When no one is holding you accountable, it leaves the door wide open for interpretation of what is ethical and what isn't when it comes to tithes, offerings, and donations. In this episode, we look at some of the ways these organizations misappropriate and misuse the funds they collect and shed some light on why they are able to get away with it so easily.
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