
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Episode 71: Cross Contamination - How Evangelicals Exploit Religious Liberty
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
The lines of separation between church and state are getting blurrier by the day and if evangelicals have their way, those lines will eventually collapse completely. In this episode, we look at specific ways that evangelicals (and let's be fair - Christian religion in general) manipulate the messaging of the constitution to restrict religious liberty to their own religion and the impact it has on all of us.
Apostolic Angels, the finger of God, and armchair numerology round out Shelle's Christians Behaving Badly segment for the week.
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Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Episode 70 - "A Wall of Separation" - Why America Is Not a Christian Nation
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
Saturday Jul 10, 2021
It's amazing how many people just assume that America is a Christian nation and in the case of White Evangelicals and Christian Nationalists, this delusion has sparked uncountable instances of violence and unrest, including the events of January 6, 2021. But was it the founding fathers' intent to impose religion - any religion - on the populace? We look at this question and more in this episode. In CBB News - it's more prophets without honor, now with 100% less prophecy!
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Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Episode 69: "All Things Are Permissible" ...So Let's Talk About SEX
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
This time around, Spider and Shelle take look at sex after religion and it might surprise you how many evangelicals don't believe what they're taught about sex in the first place. Ever think about a threesome? Want to explore a specific kink? Our message is simple: if it's legal and consensual it's fair game!
In CBB News, it's more stories of delusional narcissists outing themselves and you won't believe what one self-proclaimed "prophet" has to say about why COVID 19 actually happened. Or maybe you will...
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Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Episode 68: Known By Their Fruits" - The Modern Prophecy Movement
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
Saturday Jun 26, 2021
When you get disavowed from multiple evangelical pulpits, it's a clear sign that there is something inherently wrong with your beloved "movement." Such is the case with modern prophets who keep making errant predictions about things like the end times, volatile politics, and pandemics. Why do people still give these people a platform when they fail to deliver over and over and over again? We tackle this question and more in this episode. Shelle delivers a trifecta of evangelical fuckery in Christians Behaving Badly that includes more incoherent pillow talk, Jim Bakker's blankies, and a new purity culture anthem that will make you cringe.
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Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Episode 67: Angels - More Popular Than God?
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
While evangelicals do a stellar job of capitalizing on them, the belief in angels extends a long way outside the confines of any church. We look at their popularity and attempt to answer the question of why so many people from so many religious backgrounds cling to a belief in angels. Some of what we found is sure to shock you. Our CBB news segment comes with trigger warning for sex abuse and... surprise! Shelle's report is 100% catholic church free.
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Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Episode 66: "Everything Old is New Again" - Bible Stories That Predate The Bible
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
Saturday Jun 05, 2021
What if we told you that some of the stories told in the "all authoritative Word of God" are obvious retellings of much earlier stories from much older mythologies? This is the subject of this week's episode along with Shelle's weekly nuggets of love from the files of Christians behaving badly, now fortified with two essential cringeworthy accounts of anti-semitic ignorance.
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Saturday May 29, 2021
Episode 65: Seeing the Light? - A Look At Near Death Experiences
Saturday May 29, 2021
Saturday May 29, 2021
Near death experiences are a phenomenon that, while lacking in fact, do seem to have their roots in science. Are they what they seem to be? We look at that question and more in this week's episode. In CBB News: More Bakkery goodness and more transformed tripe from Lori Alexander.
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Saturday May 22, 2021
Episode 64: Savior Complexes - Good Intentions, Toxic Outcomes
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
What is a savior complex and why is it a dangerous thing to have or cultivate? Spider and Shelle look at how a savior complex can do real damage to relationships and how to live with the personality traits in a way that promotes satisfaction and balance.
Christians behaving badly takes jabs at stealth proselytization via home furnishings and photo evidence of angels and demons one hapless wacko will gladly provide... just as soon as she finds it.
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Saturday May 15, 2021
Episode 63: A Culture of Secrecy - Mental Illness Among the Clergy
Saturday May 15, 2021
Saturday May 15, 2021
We've looked at the topic of mental illness in the past, but this time around we want to draw attention to one of the biggest problems plaguing the local church: mental illness among pastors, particularly in pentecostal/evangelical churches. Spider and Shelle take a look at this subject from a perspective you might not be expecting... Our Christians behaving badly starts out with a literal Peter whose influence needs to peter out and ends with a prophet who needs to pack it in.
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Saturday May 08, 2021
Episode 62: He Loves Me Not -Why Jesus Doesn't Love You
Saturday May 08, 2021
Saturday May 08, 2021
On the heels of last week's conversation, we look at the concept of Christ's love, providing compelling evidence that even if the Gospel were true, the notion of Jesus loving anyone is fallacious, even when you look to the Bible for proof. In our Christians behaving badly segment, we look at the Duggar family and the trainwreck that is Josh Duggar, who is now facing 40 years in prison for even more sex crimes against children.
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