
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Episode 81: Toxic Positivity - The Law Of Attraction Distraction
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
There are so many similarities between the Law of Attraction and prosperity doctrine it's no wonder why so many ex-evangelicals buy into the concept. What are the more toxic aspects of Law of Attraction? Can positive thinking actually be toxic? We look at these questions and more this week along with our latest edition of Christians Behaving Badly... this time for days at a time!
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Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Episode 80: The Coat Hanger Crisis - When Abortion Isn‘t An Option
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
Saturday Sep 18, 2021
What happens when women who need abortions are unable to obtain them? The consequences of Texas Senate Bill 8 (SB-8) is poised to have catastrophic consequences if left unchecked. In this episode, we look at the possible effects of a society that bans 85% of all abortions and the ways that Texas has historically defied the term "pro life." Shelle takes us back to the beach and gives Greg Locke a friendly send-off from his favorite social platform in our Christians Behaving Badly segment.
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Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Episode 79: Televangelists Part 2: The Gospel of Self Help
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
What happens when you combine the toxicity of televangelism with the equally toxic world of self help? Just ask Joel Osteen and others like him who have figured out how to use both for their own gains. This is the subject of part 2 of our conversation about televangelists, served with a heaping helping of... legislators behaving badly. What does the new Texas abortion law really hope to accomplish? The answer to that question and more round out an emotionally charged CBB news segment.
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Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Episode 78: Televangelists - Lifestyles of the Corrupt and Shameless
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
Saturday Sep 04, 2021
How big is the televangelism industry in America? The answer is simple: no one knows. This is largely due to protections for religious organizations that are written into our tax and nonprofit laws. There is no constitutional barrier to taxing and holding accountable televangelists for the money they receive... so why don't we? We look at these questions and more this week along with a hurricane of religious fuckery with a COVID Miracle finish on our Christians Behaving Badly segment.
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Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Episode 77: Alternative Medicine - Do Holistic Remedies Really Work?
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Saturday Aug 28, 2021
Are holistic remedies legitimate alternatives or additions to traditional medicines? What are the benefits and dangers of alternative medicine? Most importantly, what should ex-evangelicals know about them and why are they such a draw for people coming out of evangelical faith? We look at these questions and more along with a gripping CBB segment where our weekly dive into evangelical insanity brings us to the end of COVID and an iron-clad cure for teen sex.
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Saturday Aug 21, 2021
Episode 76: Decommissioned -The Real Impact of Evangelical Missions
Saturday Aug 21, 2021
Saturday Aug 21, 2021
The Great Commission is repeated five times in the New Testament and American evangelical churches have a huge interest in carrying it out... whether people want to hear it or not. What is the real impact on the people who serve as or are served by missionaries? What is the real cost of fulfilling Christ's perceived commission? We examine these questions and more this week. In CBB news, it's tales of people who don't believe in COVID catching COVID and an interesting story we don't think anyone is expecting...
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Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Episode 75: Letting Go of God - Dealing With Religious Trauma
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
Saturday Aug 14, 2021
There are things about getting unbound that are not only unpleasant, but for some (let's just say it... for many) are also sources of trauma. In this episode, Spider and Shelle talk about the ways that detaching from faith affects people, sharing some of their own observations and experiences. In CBB Newsland, we round up the usual suspects and share some of the latest blanket stupidity from the world of evangelical fuckery.
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Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Episode 74: The Four Sunday Challenge - Why You Should Stop Going to Church
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
What happens to your brain when you stop going to church? Why is it so difficult to quit even when your faith is hanging by a string? We look at these questions and more this week as we break away from all the political content and just speak from the heart about something we regard as one of the most important steps in getting and staying unbound. In CBB news, we learn that Jesus isn't always prone to taking the wheel... or the handlebars, and look at some alarmist drivel that is truly off the intellectual grid.
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Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Episode 73: Toxic Bedfellows - The Republican Party and the Religious Right
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Continuing the thought from last week, we look at the relationship between the republican party and the predominantly evangelical Religious Right - how it came to be and how they advance their agenda by weaponizing U.S. politics. In CBB news it's more anti-vaxx audacity featuring vaccinated shedders, Delta denial, and Satanic Serum. No, we're not kidding.
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Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Episode 72: Same As It Ever Was - The Republican Party From Lincoln to 45
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Saturday Jul 24, 2021
Forget anything you were taught in your grade school history classes about the Republican party, their attitudes toward slavery, or the reasons why they chose to abolish it. Was Abraham Lincoln a hero? Has the Republican party ever taken a humanitarian stand on anything? We look at these questions and more in this week's episode, right after Shelle's Magical Misogyny Tour on this week's CBB News update.