
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Let's just say it: the most wonderful time of the year brings some strange things with it, from fried chicken to burning goats, from Greek sprites to Amish bear-men, and all of it marvelously Jesus-free. We talk about all of this and more in this off-center episode for your unbound holiday season. Christians behaving badly is a good news, bad news kind of experience with an imprisoned pedophile, an enlightened pastor, and some intolerant transphobic Methodists rounding out the cast.
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Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Sunday Dec 05, 2021
Did we ever think we'd be visiting the Askewniverse as part of this show? Well, no... but stranger things have happened. This week, we take a look at Kevin Smith's Dogma and some of the accidental lessons it teaches about the true nature of God and the problems inherent with belief. Christians behaving badly returns (again) next week!
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Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Episode 89: The Cross Behind Me - Resisting the Urge to Turn Back
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
It's natural to miss the good things about your religious life, but when weighed against all the negatives, the good parts just don't make going back worthwhile. So why do we sometimes feel the urge to turn back? And what should we do when we're in that headspace? We look at these questions and more in this week's episode. In Christians behaving badly news, it's angels and exponents, gratuitous grifting, and just when you thought things couldn't get any worse in Texas...
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Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Episode 88: Gospel Tracts - The Weapons Of Their Warfare?
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
While gospel tracts have been referred to as a form of silent witness, they are anything but. From the waste they create to the vehicle for some of the worst kinds of toxic religious thinking that they can be, there is little to like and plenty to criticize about them. Spider and Shelle delve into these issues (and more) surrounding tracts in this episode. Christians behaving badly takes another dive into the murky pool of the evangelical "prophecy movement."
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Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Episode 87: Reiki - The Pseudo-Science of Energy Healing
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Another popular stop for people on their way out of evangelical faith is in the world of energy healing. For many, that means things like Reiki in all its forms as well as a few other less-mystical but equally pointless fads. There is a reason why energy healing appeals to ex-evangelicals and we'll let you in on what that is, too. Christians Behaving Badly returns with prophets, pronouns, and personal vendettas.
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Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Episode 86: Prideful Conceit - Spider and Shelle Review ”The Witch”
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Rounding out Unbound October we have this Halloween treat: a scene-by-scene review of what might be the the most comprehensive picture of what puritan witchcraft hysteria looked like in the 17th century: Robert Eggers' "The Witch." How much of what these people went through is reflected in modern religion, particularly evangelicalism? We look at that question and others along the way.
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Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Episode 85: Demons: Oppressors, Possessors ...and Astronomy Professors?
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Like the Occult, the concept of demons is as old as human history. This week we have a look at the demonologies of several traditions and also the influence of demons on everything from Christian doctrine to pop culture. It's a devilishly fun conversation for week four of Unbound October.
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Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Episode 84: The Occult - The ”Hidden” Truth Behind the Lies
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
Saturday Oct 16, 2021
What is the Occult? Does occultism have anything at all to do with Satanism? As evangelicals, we're told a lot of tall tales about a lot of things and the Occult is a prime example. If the only thing that comes to mind when you think of the Occult is the Devil, you need to hear this episode.
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Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Episode 83: Satanism - OR: The Difficult Work of Being Heretics
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Saturday Oct 09, 2021
Forget everything your pastor ever told you about Satanism. Forget the stereotypes. Satanists? In MY workplace? It's more likely than you think... and they're probably some of your better co-workers. Learn what modern Satanism is and what it isn't and just how few Satanists even believe the Devil is real. It's week 2 of Unbound October and this is an episode not to be missed!
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Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Episode 82: Gods, Gates, Dogs, and Demons - The Underworld in Mythology
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
Saturday Oct 02, 2021
In week one of Unbound October, we look at several underworld myths examining their similarities, severities, variations, and deviations with the underlying message being one that should be familiar to our listeners: people are just gonna believe what they want, both for themselves and for others.
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