
Sunday May 15, 2022
Episode 111: ThePro-Life Fallacy - Why Abortion Needs To Stay Legal
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Isn't it amazing just how much more pro-life abortion advocates are than the alleged pro-lifers who are trying to set back women's rights by almost fifty years? It's true and we're going to demonstrate how in this very uncomfortable but very necessary discussion on a subject that, whether "they" want to admit it or not, affects all of us. The conversation even spills over into Christians behaving badly this week. We just can't get away from it...

Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
Evangelicals derive more about doctrine, dogma, and the ins and outs of their faith from the music they listen to than they do sermons or even (or *especially*) the bible. In this episode, we take a look at some of the prevailing toxic themes that have been the undercurrent of Christian music for years - in some cases, centuries. Roe V. Wade and other Supreme Discord antics fill out our Christian behaving Badly segment.

Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
It didn't take long for the persecuted church to become the persecutor. This is the story of what happens when you mix politics with a religion already headed by a deity who solves every problem he faces with violence and murder. We look at a few early examples of Christian violence and make some irrefutable contemporary parallels between the crusades and the Inquisition a(s)and more modern examples of Christian hate turned violent. In Christians behaving badly news, it's blessed insurance, an encouraging word from our friends to the north and a true story of a nightmare at 30,000 feet.

Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
In our latest dive into our Unbound at the Movies series, we look at a movie that can only be described as Pagan Evangelism: Egotrip Productions' "The Spirit of Albion." All the tactics you see in a typical evangelical church service, youth play, or movie are represented. We take a look at the many parallels that exist between the messaging of this movie and that of a typical evangelical church, youth group, or ministry. Trigger warning for Kenneth Copeland in this week's Christians Behaving Badly segment.

Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Episode 107: Christians Behaving Badly: XL Edition
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
The episode that almost wasn't... well, we said we'd be back this week and, well, here we are, doing things a little differently than usual. Four stories from the files of Christians Behaving Badly and a sneak peek at what's coming up next. It's CCB: XL Edition!

Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Episode 106: Can’t Watch That - Understanding the Ethics of Porn
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
In the most secular of terms, it's not even a question whether consuming porn is moral or ethical. The real question is: what are you consuming? How can you tell the difference between content made with consent and content that isn't? These questions matter and we'll be discussing them and much more in this episode.

Saturday Mar 26, 2022
Saturday Mar 26, 2022
The notion of objects having religious power is as old as religion itself but no other religion has cornered the market on the marketing of religious relics quite the way Christianity has. We look that how religious relics are used to reinforce the concept of belief and how evangelicalism capitalizes on people's tendency to gravitate toward material things that have potential to validate their faith. Join us for that conversation along with two more entries from the files of Christians Behaving Badly.

Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Episode 104: Gods in Three Persons - The Ancient Concept of Trinities
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
Saturday Mar 19, 2022
The concept of the trinity is far from unique to Christianity. In fact, it dates as far back as human history will go. We look at some of the examples fro throughout history and across religious lines that confirm it: the trinity is just one more thing the Church decided to counterfeit to further its own agenda. And if it's a counterfeit, what power does it have? All this plus two more cringe-worthy stories from the files of Christians behaving badly.
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Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Episode 103: Was Jesus Real? The Problem With Proving a Negative
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
It's a tough spot to be in - knowing that something isn't real but not having enough proof to back up your position. The truth is, the Jesus of the Bible isn't real, but is it possible that someone like him once lived and stirred things up in Palestine? The answers may surprise you. We tackle this topic along with a heaping helping of blood-boiling audacity in this week's Christians Behaving Badly trifecta.

Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Episode 102: Protecting Innocence? - Spider and Shelle Review ”The Village”
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Everyone experiences grief and loss at some point in their lives and there are constructive ways of dealing with it. But one group of 19th century settlers had a unique way of dealing with theirs. Sorrow, pain, grief... these things follow you everywhere and this is a hard lesson that the elders of this village are learning the hard way. Enjoy this deep dive into a movie that explains eloquently how fear is used to both keep people compliant and submissive and provide a false sense of security and safety at the same time.