
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
An astonishing number of people, across all religious and non-religious lines, believe that deceased loved ones are still playing a role in their lives. While that will always be true in the case of memory and reflection, what happens when our brains start feeding us data that suggests that these people are still there and still interacting with us in real time? We look at this question and more this week along with three more cringe-worthy entries into the files of Christians Behaving Badly.

Sunday Aug 14, 2022
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
Life is full of problems. We face new ones every day. But some people never learn that you can't just dump your problems on someone else and let them handle them. But that's precisely what one man tries to do in this multi-layered comedy that makes a few serious, and accurate, points about how life just doesn't work. Crack open an orange Jump with us and settle in for the tale of Joe vs. The Volcano, complete with our Christians Behaving Badly newsreel that's just bursting with more face-palming moments than a marathon of prosperity gospel sermons.

Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Episode 119: Twelve Step Programs: Let’s Admit They Have a Problem
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
Sunday Aug 07, 2022
The effectiveness of 12-step problems is a lot smaller than any of the organizations that fall under their cover would ever want to admit. Around here, we don't have that problem. We're going to have a frank conversation about 12-step programs, why they rarely work, and how they try to hide their real agenda: conversion and control. This along with two more stories from the files of Christians Behaving Badly along with one more huge reason why those who understand the difference between right and wrong need to get to the polls this November.

Sunday Jul 24, 2022
Sunday Jul 24, 2022
What happens when child rearing turns deadly? And what about the ones who survive? There is so much toxicity in the messaging about Christian parenting that, in some cases, discipline has turned to murder. In lesser cases, toxic parenting can have lifelong effects on a person's mental and emotional wellbeing, but worse, on how they raise their kids. Join us for this conversation as well as a surprisingly uplifting edition of Christians Behaving Badly. No, seriously....

Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Episode 117: Vacation Bible School - Adventures in Child Indoctrination
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
With its colorful signs, aggressive recruitment campaigns, and promises of Summer fun for kids, Vacation Bible School (or VBS) is nothing more than a front for using five days to aggressively indoctrinate children with Christian doctrine. Spider and Shelle take listeners on a tour of this movement and the methods it employs to ensnare the young with appealing themes, music, games. food, and more. That and more from the files of Christians Behaving Badly round out this week's episode.

Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
What DOES God need with a starship? And if God needs a starship, what do we need with God? We MADE the starship, right? We're finally back and excited to deliver to you our review of Star Trek V: The Final frontier, a few stardates late, but well worth the wait. Christians behaving badly steers us into the aftermath of Roe and more killing in the name of... just to make the point that much more clear.

Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Episode 115: So You Want to Be a Pastor? Here’s What You Can Expect
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
So your youth pastor has convinced you to go to bible college and pursue a life of full-time ministry. Well, as the saying goes: misery loves company. Does someone else have the right, the room, or the authority to tell you to do any such thing? And what can you expect after four years prostrate to the decidedly NOT higher mind in Bible college? You may get your paper, but you'll be far from free. What wonders and adventures await a first-year youth pastor? What are the realities that actaully await them? Spider flies solo for this very real, very frank, and necessarily uncomfortable look at these and other questions this week, with a literally caustic Christians Behaving Badly segment to kick things off.

Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Episode 114: Patriotism Vs. Nationalism - What Makes Them Different?
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
There is a great divide between the mindset and actions of patriotism and those of nationalism. In this episode, we explore the stark contrast between being proud of your country for what it is and being proud of what it isn't. This conversation follows well on the heels of last week's discussion and offers a few more warnings about why mixing religion with government is just bad policy. Three stories that sound like they could have come straight out of Naziism round out this week's Christians behaving Badly segment.

Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Episode 113: The Greatest Nation? - Why America Isn’t
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
With an average of one school shooting a week, the worst-managed healthcare system on the planet and an education system that sets every American student up for failure, it's difficult to see how anyone can look at the United States and think it's the greatest ANYTHING... because it just plain isn't. We look that these concepts and more along with three more rage-inducing examples of Christians not only behaving badly, but criminally in this week's episode.

Sunday May 22, 2022
Episode 112: Scared to God - Spider and Shelle Review ”A Thief in the Night”
Sunday May 22, 2022
Sunday May 22, 2022
When your religion needs to use scare tactics and hyper-emotionalism to sell its product, something MUST be wrong with it. This week, we look at the original Christian horror flick - one that has left many people scarred and afraid, primarily the young. Join us for an in-depth discussion of not just the narrative, but the shameless way this movie promotes its agenda even to the point of demonstrating the trauma it instills. This along with three more stories from the files of Christians behaving badly.