
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Christians Behaving Badly #2: Big Bag of D*cks Edition
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Coverups and controversies, murder by prayer, making light of rape victims, and two stories of people who pushed back against the woefully biased agendas of locales that cater to religious freedom (as long as that religion involves Jesus, of course), we bring you Christians Behaving Badly: Big Bag of D!cks edition. Spoiler alert: these stories transition quickly from the rage-inducing sublime to the belly-laughing ridiculous. By the end, you'll be glad you... came. We promise.

Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Sunday, January 15, 2023: This week, we bring you four stories that we only wish weren't true, fraught with tales of conversion by coercion in Indiana, how to get off with a slap on the wrist for practicing slavery in California, how beer turns men into women in any state, and a guy who likes big bibles and he cannot lie. All ahead on Unbound's Christians Behaving Badly #1: Beer and Boobs (And Unfortunately More) Edition.

Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Episode 129: New Year, KNOW You 3.0 - Looking Ahead to 2023
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
Sunday Jan 08, 2023
We figured we'd give everyone time to break those silly resolutions and decompress for the holidays, but it's here. Let's take a look ahead together at how we can stay on the path to getting and staying unbound in the upcoming year.

Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
When faced with difficult choices, we have a few ways we can approach them. We can weigh the options and choose the best and most prudent of them, we can be hasty and make bad decisions, or we can defer to someone else's way of thinking - or how we interpret what they think about things. In this episode, we look at the endearing Christmas special "Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas" and try to answer the question: What happens when "Pa's way" isn't the right way? Spoiler: it applies to a lot more than guitars and used pianos.

Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
It was a hoax worthy of the Satanic Panic and a testament to the power of the phrase "a true story." This week, Spider and Shelle review one of the most pervasive stories of its era, the Amityville Horror. still maintains an audience that believes implicitly that a suburban family in the mid 1970s was driven from their home by evil forces that had taken control of it. What, if anything at all, happened George and Kathy Lutz? Is there any way to even know for sure? We look at all these questions and more as we take a deep dive into this enigmatically enduring cult horror atrocity from 1979.

Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Episode 126: The Satan Sellers Hall of Shame - Grifters of the Satanic Panic
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Mike Warnke, Bob Larson, The Peters Brothers... these are just a few of the shameless grifters who poured gasoline on the fires of the Satanic panic and used their influence to spread fear, especially among the young in the 80s and 90s. We look at their stories and more in this week's edition of Unbound October.

Sunday Oct 09, 2022
Episode 125: No Happy Medium - Psychics and the Grift of Grief
Sunday Oct 09, 2022
Sunday Oct 09, 2022
Psychic mediums prey on people's insecurities and fears and grief is a huge market that many successfully tap into. In this episode, we look at the who and the how of what these people do and shed light on the things they do to manipulate people who are grieving into thinking they have the ability to reunite them with those who they've lost. Is any of it legit? Does it ever really do any measurable good? We look at these questions and more along with three more cringeworthy stories from the files of Christians Behaving Badly.

Sunday Oct 02, 2022
EPISODE 124: Are Ghosts Real? - Confessions of a Former Ghost Hunter
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
During his Wicca period, Spider went through a brief, but very enthusiastic, ghost hunting phase. This episode is inspired by his experiences (or, in some cases, the total lack thereof) and the things he's learned about them since in this year's first entry for Unbound October. Shelle delivers three more sad tales of Christians Badly.

Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
This week, we look at the 1980 cult classic "Resurrection' and give it our usual spin. When a young woman has a near death experience, she returns with the power to heal, but her refusal to "give God the glory" raises the hackles of some of the people in her rural Kansas town. Why are Christians so put off by love when it presents in any legitimate way? Because when you serve a self-proclaimed "jealous god" who always needs the spotlight on HIM, bad things happen when he doesn't get it. Three more stories of abject Christian tomfoolery round out this week's Christians behaving badly.

Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Episode 122: The Power Vested in YOU: The Pros and Cons of Getting Married
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
There are many reasons why people still want to get married and some are not just valid, but also very smart. There are also many more reasons that getting married is an overall bad idea. We're going to look at both sides of the argument and compare all the pros and cons so YOU can decide if getting married would be a good move in your life.