
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Spider and Shelle take a look at the doctrine of Hell and how contemporary evangelical doctrine keeps the faithful in fear of punishment, even though their religion preaches salvation through grace.
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Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Episode 30: Who Wants to Live Forever? - The Truth About The Christian Heaven
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Spider and shelle take listeners on a guided tour of the Christian heaven and take an eye-opening look at the differences between what the Bible says about the afterlife of the believer and what the average evangelical thinks it will be.
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Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Episode 29: Embracing the Void - Accepting Our Own Mortality
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Spider and Shelle discuss the subject of death and ponder that universal question: what, if anything, happens when we die? Is it possible to know with certainty? We'll look at these questions and more as we take one more step toward getting and staying unbound.
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Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Episode 28: Suffer the Children - An Adult Perspective on Childlike Faith
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Spider and Shelle take a close look at the evangelical concept of childlike faith: how the Bible mandates it, how the local church perpetuates it, and what these learned thought patterns and behaviors do to the individual.
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Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Episode 27: Four to Fourteen: The Evangelical Youth Conversion Agenda Part 2
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
Sunday Aug 23, 2020
In part 2 of our discussion on evangelical youth conversion agenda, Spider and Shelle take a closer look at how evangelicals target teens and young adults in their race to convert people before they reach the pivotal age of 18. Conversion tactics used on teenagers are especially aggressive and are designed to prey on adolescent insecurities. For those who escape evangelical indoctrination through high school, there's college and career-centered evangelism that targets the same pain points and points.
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Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Episode 26: Four to Fourteen: The Evangelical Youth Conversion Agenda Part 1
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Sunday Aug 16, 2020
Spider and Shelle look at the tactics evangelical children's ministries use to insert religious indoctrination into the minds of children and why it works so well. What are your kids being taught about life and faith when you're not there to hear? What happens when strangers assert their right to convert children absent of parental knowledge and consent? We answer these questions and more in part one of our very telling look at how aggressively some children's and youth ministry leaders instill religious thinking in the minds of children literally from birth forward.
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Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Episode 25: What's In Your Head - Evangelical Religion and Mental Illness
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Sunday Aug 09, 2020
Spider and Shelle look at the subject of mental illness from the perspective of evangelical thought, uncovering the ways that a variety of conditions are propagated, facilitated, and perpetuated in faith environments. They offer unique insights based on personal experience and provide practical advice for dealing with and managing mental health.
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Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Episode 24: What Is Love? How Christianity Gets It Wrong
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Sunday Jul 19, 2020
Segment One: "You shall not pass?" What do you do when you're an evangelical and you want to make a statement about racism? You cast a spell on it, Middle Earth style!
Segment 2: Spider and Shelle discuss how concepts of love and hate get skewed in the minds of evangelicals and what the real source of all the confusion really is. Spoiler alert: It starts with The Bible.
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Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Episode 23: Too Big To Ignore - Bending and Breaking the Image of Patriarchy
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Spider takes the co-host seat while Shelle comments on the role of patriarchy in society and hw evangelical Christianity packages the concept of patriarchy into its teachings.
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Saturday May 16, 2020
Episode 22: Toxic Masculinity - A Societal Epidemic
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
To be fair, toxic masculinity isn't an exclusively evangelical problem, but evangelical thought goes miles toward validating and perpetuating some of the worst manifestations of it. Spider and Shelle start out with a few more important comments about the current pandemic crisis, citing even more evangelical nonsense and how following the lead of certain evangelical leaders can promote the spread. The main topic is one that needs as much exposure and criticism as it can get. This is one of our longest episodes and we think we could have said even more.
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