
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Episode 51: Dire Education - How Christian Schools Hijack Intellect
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
Saturday Feb 06, 2021
There are many ways that evangelicals prey on the minds and emotions of the young. In this episode, we look at the divisive nature of christian education, showing how the system taints standard grade school curriculum and toxifies what should be a healthy academic, social and personal growth environment for young people.
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Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Episode 50: The Good Stuff - The Ones Who Get Love Right
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Every now and then, you come across Christians who actually do have a clear understanding of what love is. This week, we want to give credit where it's due, but also offer some advice for ex-evangelicals looking to spread love outside the confines of church and faith communities.
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Saturday Jan 23, 2021
Saturday Jan 23, 2021
In a discussion that follows on the heels of last week's topic of violence in Christian media, Spider and Shelle look at the effects of the kind of violent conditioning that exists, and has existed for centuries, within the ranks of Christianity. From the Crusades forward, we examine the cause and effect nature of doctrine that condones and encourages violence and aggression and the actions that toxic and violent messaging breed in the minds and actions of some radical evangelicals.
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Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Episode 48: The Weapons of Their Warfare - Violent Imagery in Christian Media
Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Saturday Jan 16, 2021
Why do so many evangelicals champion violence and aggression over things like love, compassion, and empathy? It may have something to do with all the violent imagery in every form of religious media from print to music to the movies that get branded as Christian but still send very negative messages about how we should treat each other as people. This is the foundation for our discussion this week and it might just open your eyes to why violent thoughts and actions are so prevalent among a population that is supposed to be reflecting attributes like love, joy, and peace.
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Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Episode 47: The Blessed Hoax - Why Jesus Is Never Coming Back
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
One of the most enduring lies in Christianity is that Jesus is still slated to return even though he's been incommunicado for close to 2000 years (so far). Worse yet, the Bible exposes itself regarding this subject rather eloquently, and yet, most Christians never take the time to examine or scrutinize Jesus' own words about his return. That's OK, that's what we're here for!
SPECIAL EPISODE FORMAT: I decided to start off by adding my two cents about the siege on our capital and where I think significant help can, and should come from, to help curb the attitudes and errant thought processes that lead to something as heinous in the first place. - Spider
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Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Episode 46: Hypnosis - Science Vs. Chicanery
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Is hypnosis a real thing? Science has some surprising answers. Spider and Shelle share their stories and experiences with hypnosis and hypnotherapy and turn the tables on evangelical rhetoric surrounding this controversial but not necessarily deceptive psychological phenomenon.
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Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Episode 45: New Year, Know You - Resolutions for an Unbound New Year
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
Saturday Dec 26, 2020
What kinds of New Year's resolutions would be fitting for a new atheist trying to get and stay unbound? Spider and Shelle have a few suggestions for people coming out of evangelical religion along with a few challenges for Christians who are determined to stay in. We also reveal a few teases for topics we have in the works for 2021.
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Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Episode 44: Hijacking the Holidays - The Evangelical War On Reason
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
Saturday Dec 19, 2020
How does one fight a war with no enemy? How does one reclaim something that's never been stolen? In this episode, we look at the perceived War on Christmas and the surprising history that one of Christianity's biggest holidays has been fortunate to survive. This concept goes back way further than 2020... try 1659 (and you may or may not be surprised where it actually began).
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Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Episode 43: True Religion Is This - Why So Many People Lack Empathy
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
It goes without saying that society is showing its true colors in the midst of COVID 19. The increasing lack of care people are showing toward others in the face of a pandemic is the subject of our episode this week. Is there an evangelical connection between what they teach and the brazen lack of empathy some people are exhibiting over COVID guidelines? I think you already know the answer to that one...
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Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Episode 42: Out of Captivity - Learning to Think For Yourself
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Much of the perpetuation of Christian doctrine hinges on the believer keeping "every thought in captivity." We think this is a very suspect kind of tenet for a religion that purports to offer the believer freedom in Christ. In this episode, Spider and Shelle take a look at the concept of learning to think for yourself - a skill everyone, but everyone coming out of evangelical faith in particular, needs to develop.
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